(Key Stage 1-2)
Our Primary Years endeavour to create an experience for our children that enables them to engage with the world around them, be brave enough to try new things and strive to achieve their very best. Our classes are small, guaranteeing children are able to receive the individual support and attention they need and deserve. Small classes mean that no child sits on their laurels, gets lost in the middle or left behind; every child is supported and challenged on an individual basis, and our close monitoring and reporting means that both you and your child know at all times where they are in their learning journey and the exciting challenges that lie ahead for them.
Our children are encouraged to achieve excellence, not only in their academic subject areas but also in sport and the creative arts. Class teachers and specialty subject teachers deliver a diverse curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum for England which includes English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology (D&T), Computing, Music and Drama, Physical Education (P.E), Swimming and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). A range of extra-curricular activities add depth and interest to each child’s learning experience; these include daily extra-curricular clubs, field trips, residential courses, concerts, themed curriculum days/weeks, productions, sporting/house competitions , community projects and fundraising events. We welcome parents’ interest in their child’s academic progress and so our teachers are always available for informal discussions. Alongside this we regularly organise parent’s evenings to discuss each child’s progress and reports are sent home at the end of each term.